Baby....I'm fall'N for ya.......
Updated: Nov 6, 2019

Oh how I love fall and all of its seasonal glory. I mean hot girl summer was great but fall is who I am on the inside......that is if fall was a person (*crickets*..........). Anyway, what is there not to love about fall, especially when fashion and style is the topic. From the burnt orange sweaters to the wine colored nails, fall is time to pull out all the stops. Here are a few of my favorite colors and pieces that I love to rock during the season. Get ready to FALL in love, lol.....get it?! (*crickets*............) Aaaaaaaannnnnnnndddd, we're moving on..... Lets get started.

Gothic chic is what I like to call it with these colors. Between having a bold lip and dark colored nails, these colors are reminiscent of fall and all its glory. It creates warmth to all skin tones; seeing as though the change in seasons can give the washed out look. My favorite lipstick or nail color this season is either wine or plum. Preferably plum this season. Plum is a color that looks AMAZING on all skin tones and really gives that CHIQUE yet sexy vamp kinda vibe. Perfect for date night ;).
Picture wearing these bold lip colors with a beautiful smokey eye, and a cozy sweater. Which brings me to my next fall favorite.......

Sweaters!!!!!! Sweaters...ARE...A...MOOD.....BIH!!!!! Idc what kind of sweater you wear. Whether it's an oversized sweater, cropped, fitted, cardigan, business, casual.......You name it, I love them all. This is especially a great fall style for both women and men (yeah, we can't forget the fellas). They are just the perfect style to combine with some jeans, leggings, or just boots. Not to mention, I love wearing sweaters because they hide my tummy (my summer body was cancelled this year due to me just being lazy, mmkay). So I can toss my spanks to the side for a little bit and let it be free under my oversized sweater dress. Not only looking good, but being comfy at the same damn time. Next up on my list....

BOOTS, boo.....these boots are most definitely made for walking. I'm in love with knee length or thigh high boots. They can take a simple style and make it runway ready. Like I said above, pairing these with a sweater dress can amp up your fall style. Now do not get me wrong, if you are like me, and have thick legs and thighs, you may have a hard time finding some good looking thigh high boots. But thats ok, we can show off those beautiful legs in a pair of booties which is another obsession. Cute booties, skinny jeans, and a nice leather jacket and FALLELUJAH, you got yourself a cute and chique fashion combo that looks great anywhere! Now you have to top it all off with my next pick....

Fedoras........Now fedora hats are a trend you can wear all year round (hey, our grandfathers did *shrugs*) but I especially love them in the fall. They just give a sense of character to your personal fall style. Both men and women alike can pull this style off in a casual setting. Not to mention, it keeps your head warm too. Although this section is about Fedoras, I cannot forget the skully hats....You know, the cute ones with the puffy ball on top?! Yeah, those. Those are another example of cute hats that can give your casual style a new look and feel.....#periodt
With this being said, I think I may have given you an outfit idea through out this whole piece. Hey, I'm glad I could help sis.
Leave a comment below and let me know what your fall vibes are looking like?.......