Breakup Makeup: 10 Reasons Why You Need to Breakup w/ Your Makeup

Do you ever look at your makeup and say how come my makeup doesn’t look like the Instagram models? How come my makeup doesn’t seem to look right? You would think makeup would come easy because there are so many makeup tutorials and influencers nowadays. Everyone should know how to do their makeup up right?! Well, in case you are one of the girlies🥂 who still have trouble doing their makeup here are 10 reasons why your makeup may be well.....terrible!
Number one: Wrong Shade!
Finding the right shade is crucial honestly, it's step number one. It’s easy to think you’re one shade when you’re really another especially when you’re a brown girl. There are other factors as well like the seasons. Some of you may not know, but you are one shade in the summer and a lighter shade in the winter. If you are wearing your summer shade in the winter chances are, it will look very dark on your face and your neck will be different colors. You can go to Sephora or Ulta to be color-matched with your favorite foundation.
Number two: Skin Care
This should be number one. Taking care of your skin is the absolute key to beautiful makeup. You have to start with a clean and well-taken-care of canvas. Finding a skincare regimen, not only helps with your makeup but the overall look of your skin as well. Remember, skin care is not just your face but also your body.

Number three: Cake Face
You may be putting on more makeup than you need. We often put on a pound of makeup when all we need is the essentials. What are the essentials you ask? A good foundation, concealer, primer, setting spray, setting powder, blush, and bronzer. If you are adding powder after each application chances are we may be taking it on.
Number four: Less is More
This tip falls right in line with cake face. Sometimes we feel like we need more in order to fill the makeup. As we get older, less truly is more and if you want a youthful look, it is better to wear less makeup than a full face of glam every single day.

Number five: Practice makes perfect
Sometimes all you need is practice. Not everyone can do influencer makeup or movie star makeup. However, you can find a make-up look that suits you for every day where. All you need is one go-to makeup look whether that’s just brows and concealer under the eyes Lashes loss. Either way, it is a look that will help you to feel more made up and then you can add to that look.
Number six: Not using a primer
We get it. We used to be those girls who would just put foundation on and that is it. Truth is, you need a good primer as a base for your makeup. This helps to prevent your makeup from setting into fine lines and wrinkles. A good primer can also blur your pores, giving you an airbrushed look.
Number seven: Dehydrated Skin
You need a good moisturizer as a barrier underneath your makeup. The moisturizer can help your skin look more youthful and vibrant. This also counts as good skin care. Taking care of your skin will help your makeup look flawless every single time.
Number eight: Expired Makeup
If you are using makeup pass the expiration date, this can cause your makeup to look clumpy or not stay in place even if you have a primer. Not to mention, expired medication contain a high amount of germs and can create problems for your skin down the line.

Number nine: Know....Your.....Undertones!
Sometimes every look that we see should not be re-created on ourselves. For example, if you have very fair skin and bleach-blonde hair, a heavy Smokey eye may wash you out. Every color is not meant for every skin tone. As a POC with warm undertones, it would not look appealing for me to wear a Barbie pink lipstick by itself. Instead, I could try a peachy pink or a mauve color with a liner instead. The key is knowing your undertones. Also doing a color analysis helps not only with your makeup but also with your clothing.
Number ten: Buy quality make up
Buying quality makeup does not mean buying expensive makeup! Quality means buy from a reputable brand that has amazing reviews and an impeccable shade range. Whether you buy from Estée Lauder or Maybelline, just make sure you have the correct shade and it is the right product for your skin type.

BONUS: Eyebrows can MAKE OR BREAK your look. Please get your eyebrows serviced to help give you a look that will frame the beauty of your face!
You do not have to be a professional makeup artist to have a beautiful and flawless face. Just a few tweaks in your routine will help you look put together for any occasion. Are there any tips that we missed? Leave a comment below and share your tips or your makeup faux pas.
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