Uncovering the It Factor: What Makes Someone an It Girl/Guy?

What makes an "it guy or girl"?! This new phrase on social media is causing a stir and people are obsessed with fitting into this aesthetic but at what cost?
In the 1920s, the “It girl” phrase was coined and used to describe Clara Bow, a silent film star actress. She was dubbed the title after starring in a silent film called “It” which resulted in people recognizing her and calling her the “it-girl.” However, because she had personal style, sex appeal, and a certain Je ne sais quois, this defined a new term that would describe any attractive being with style and luxury.
In the modern day, some people consider their celebrity favs such as Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Kim K, or the Weekend as an “It Girl/Guy” because of their societal status, their appearance, and even their style. Oftentimes we try to emulate our favorite stars and try to mirror their style as best we can.
An It girl/guy is described as someone with tons of confidence, has a distinct personal style, and has a fulfilled and luxurious lifestyle. If you notice, each celebrity mentioned above has all the qualifications. So how can you, an average person be considered in your life an It Guy/Girl?

Once you've mastered the first step, everything else will fall into the right place. The major key is CONFIDENCE! Sometimes confidence can take you places and delusion will carry out the rest (LOL!) No, but seriously, confidence attracts or repels. Either way, being confident gets you noticed no matter your style. You can have a person who is not conventional attractive but confidence will win people over every single time.
When it comes to style, social media will have you breaking the bank. According to socials, the modern-day "it guy/girl" has the latest bags, hair, nails, and only shop designers. Not true. Developing a style that is unique to your personality and style is also key. You will always be on trend if you follow what you like and wear it with pride.
Lastly, we feel you define luxury. For some, luxury is having a roof over your head and a warm bed at the time. So do not fret, if you don’t not fit into a certain aesthetic. There is no need to empty your wallet to keep up with the Jones. In all honesty, an It Guy/Girl is not in debt and practices money management according to their budget.
So what makes an It Girl/Guy? Someone who stays true to themselves and walks through the world with confidence. What is your definition of an It Girl/Guy? Leave a comment below and let’s discuss.
Perfectly said! I agree with all of it!