Dear S+C,
My bff and I have been friends for 9 years. We share everything together. I'd like to believe we have the type of relationship where we can tell each other anything. Whether we want to hear it or not. But for the past 8mo, she has been dating this guy (who I think is playing her). He thinks I'm jealous because I don't have a man and that I am just mad because i want my bestie to hang out with me like she used to. My friend gets upset when i say anything about him. She likes to vent to me about what he is doing but if I give my opinion, she gets pissed off and just doesn't want to hear it. So, I went to a club with my brother for his birthday party. My cousin wanted me to go with her back to her car because she forgot her debit card. While we were outside, I saw my BFF's boyfriend hugged up with some chick who he seemed very comfortable grabbing her *** in the line. I didn't confront him but I told my BFF only for her to say that she thought her boyfriend was right about me and that I am jealous. I was mad at her for a while but we been friends for so long. Should i have told her?
signed Anonymous (Charlotte, NC)