2Sense Shortie: Gray to Stay? Or go Away?

Seems like a lot of people in their 20's and 30's are complaining about seeing gray so early and I am NOT talking about gray skies. I'm talking about gray hair. Is it still taboo to gray so early? In recent years, many people have considered gray hair to be very trendy and empowering. It symbolizes aging with grace and embracing it. However, there are some people who may feel like "why me?!"
Did you know that you can start graying as early as 25?! You may even see some gray strands earlier than that. You can thank your parents for that.....(thanks dad!). Genes play a great part in why you may be graying early. I spotted my first gray hair in my mid 20's while I was pregnant with my first child. I was mortified because its almost like a sign that I am a real ADULT!
Scary, I know but that is not the only reason why you may be seeing silver strands. Did you know that stress may be another reason why you are losing natural hair color? It has been proven that your 'body's fight or flight response plays a role in your hair losing its pigmentation.' As we know, with the pandemic amongst other situations going on around us, stress and mental health have been in the forefront of our lives. Knowing this information definitely makes you want to take care of your mental health and fine healthy ways to relieve stress.
To add onto the stress, there are also medical reasons as to why you may have some premature graying. Did you know vitamin deficiencies such as B12 and issues with your thyroid can cause premature graying? The good news is that the graying process can be reversible once these problems are corrected. Knowing this information, you can breathe a little now........
Normally, we would say you should embrace your inner silver fox but if you feel like your not ready, thats ok too. Do what you feel makes you happy with how you look. Embrace what you feel comfortable with because you are beautiful. Aging is beautiful and is also a blessing.
Now, we want to hear what you think. Are you graying early? If so, when did you start losing your hair pigmentation? Are you into dyeing your hair or are you embracing the change? Leave a comment below and let us know what your thoughts are.
#sugarandchique #2sense #hairdye #grayhair #hairblogger #aging #goinggray #beauty #fashion #hair #silverhair