2Sense Shortie: She Only Talks About Herself

We all know them and some of you reading this, may be one of them. There is one in every circle of friends, one in every family, and one in every office. That's right, you guessed it by the title; "the person who always talks about themselves." I don't know about you all but this can drive me insane.
Its like having a conversation with a television because it just keeps going but at least you are entertained. Well here is a whole situation that may sound all too familiar. So here is the scenario:
Dear S+C,
I have a coworker who quickly became an associate but the problem is she loves to talk about herself every chance she gets. Don't get me wrong, she is a very sweet person but it can be hard to talk to her. It can be very hard for me to share any news with her about myself and things I have going on in my life because she will turn it around on her. I introduced her to some of my family members and they've asked me not to bring her around because of this. Sadly I have noticed that if we are not talking about her, we are not talking as much. I don't even think she knows anything about me. Not sure what to do about the situation.
Our Opinion: Well, I would talk to this person and let them know how you feel. Let them know a conversation is a two-way street. Any relationship is a two-way street. If she cares about you, she will take that information and make sure you heard in the friendship. There may also be some insecurities that she feels are visible and maybe she feels the need to hide them by talking about herself before you can discover them. If that is not, then chances are she could be a narcissist. Hey........I like to try and give people the benefit of the doubt!
Do you know anyone like this?! Leave a comment below and let us know how you handled the situation.